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Market Drayton Junior School

Market Drayton Junior School

Passion for Learning, Skills for Life

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Section Six: Who are the other people providing services to children with a SEN in this school?

Section Six: 

Who are the other people providing services to children with a SEN in this school?


Directly funded by the school:

• Additional Teaching Assistants
• ‘Solihul Approach to Parenting’ support programme
• Intervention programme for emotional development
• Intervention programme for development of organisational and motor skills
• Intervention programme for development of fluid handwriting style
• Intervention programme for basic skills development in number
• Intervention programme for catch-up phonics and basic skills development for reading and writing.
• Autism Outreach Service
• Learning Support Advisory Team Assessment Service
• Dyslexia Screening (n.b. this gives us an individual ‘at risk’ profile not a diagnosis)
• Daily dyslexia support programme
• Educational Psychology Service.

Paid for centrally by the Local Authority but delivered in school:

• Sensory Service for children with visual or hearing needs
• Occupational Therapy Service (Assessment, advice and resources for children with specific learning difficulties around developmental co-ordination/ dyspraxia
• Speech and Language Therapy
• School Nurse
• Physiotherapy


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