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Market Drayton Junior School

Market Drayton Junior School

Passion for Learning, Skills for Life

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Section Five: How is extra support allocated to children and how do they move between the different levels?

Section Five: 

How is extra support allocated to children and how do they move between the different levels?

• The school budget, received from Shropshire LA, includes money for supporting children with SEND.
• The Head Teacher decides on the budget for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in consultation with the school governors, on the basis of needs in the school.
• The Head Teacher, Assistant Head Teachers and the SENCO discuss all the information they have about SEND in the school, including:

o the children getting extra support already
o the children needing extra support
o the children who have been identified as not making as much progress as would be expected.

And decide what resources/training and support is needed.

Where children have been identified as requiring additional support this could be provided through planned intervention programmes, booster groups, additional time and/or additional adult support in the classroom.

If a child does not make progress despite intervention at this level, school would contact parents for permission to refer to an outside agency for assessment and advice.  Depending on the outcome of that assessment, the child could then be identified as requiring SEN support and a One Page Profile and Individual Learning Plan would be written.

Provision is reviewed approximately once a term and if identified children are not making appropriate progress this may be amended or added to as necessary.  This would be discussed with parents as required and at least termly as part of our One Page Profile and Individual Learning Plan review meetings. 

Please see Section 2 for detailed information about the graduated approach to identifying and assessing pupils with possible SEND and what this might look like at each stage.

All resources/training and support are reviewed regularly and changes made as needed.


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