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Market Drayton Junior School

Market Drayton Junior School

Passion for Learning, Skills for Life

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Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

In PSHE we want children to:

PSHE aims to promote children’s personal and moral development through raising awareness of health and safety issues, and developing confidences and independence.  In turn this will provide pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to make informed choices and decisions throughout their lives.  PSHE enables children to develop personally and socially by addressing many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are now part of the ‘growing up’ process.


It is our aim that, during their time in our school, children are guided to become:

  • Confident individuals
  • Responsible citizens
  • Successful learners


Through our programme we want the children to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they needs to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps our children to stay healthy, safe and be prepared for lives challenges and opportunities. Through this programme we will help the children to achieve their academic potential. We want the pupils to develop the ability and understanding of personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE).

Implementation - How Do We Deliver the PSHE Curriculum? 

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education is based on the following:


PSHE association curriculum planner.


Discovery Education Relationships and Health Education in Years 1 to 5; in Year 6 there is a Relationships, Sex and Health Education unit. 


- Building Learning Behaviours - Try New Things, Work Hard, Concentrate, Push Yourself, Imagine, Improve, Understand Others and Persevere.


- A strong focus on wellbeing and mental health.


Our PSHE/RSHE curriculum teaches:

A clear breadth of topics that will be covered.

This includes:

  • Building Learning Behaviours
  • British Values
  • Healthy and Happy Friendships
  • Coping with Change
  • Similarities and Differences
  • Caring and responsibility
  • Families and Committed Relationships
  • Healthy bodies, Healthy Minds
  • Emotional and Mental Wellbeing
  • Staying Safe, including online safety

This will look very different across the school and as the children move from the Infant School. The work we do is a continuation from the Infant School. The programme of study starts in Year 1 and continues until Year 6. Our PSHE programme of study is linked to other subject areas such as Science and Maths. The programme of study starts in Year 1 and in Year 2 they start to link there PSHE/RSE work to other subject areas such as Science and Maths.


What does PSHE look like in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)?

PSHE education is not a discrete curriculum subject within the statutory EYFS framework. However, EYFS is still a great place to start exploring the foundations of PSHE education. The EYFS statutory framework areas of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, and Understanding the World, have close links to the PSHE education Programme of Study. Learning and development opportunities for these areas, as well as Communication and Language, can be interwoven within the pupils’ experience through daily EYFS play-based activities, role-play areas, quality children’s fiction and reflective discussion to begin to build pupils’ knowledge and understanding, skills, attitudes and attributes related to PSHE elements of education.

PSHE Long Term Plan



RHE = Relationships and Health Education

RSHE = Relationships, Sex and Health Education

Links with Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)


Children in Years 3, 4 and 5 will take part in the Discovery Education Relationships and Health programme (Year 6 will also take part in the Sex Education part of the Discovery Education programme) - which focuses on; learning how to look after their bodies by eating healthily and exercising, developing healthy relationships, staying safe online, coping with change, understanding how to be a caring and responsible member of the community, how to look after their mental health and well-being, changes to our bodies (puberty) and reproduction (Year 6 only).

Health and Relationships Programme Progression

Should you wish to view the lessons in more detail, please speak to the school who will arrange for you to view some of the materials.  If any of these are shared with you, they are still protected by copyright law.

Other Elements of PSHE


All children will take part in the NSPCC ‘Speak Out. Stay Safe’ campaign, national Anti-Bullying week, Safer Internet Day and Mental Health Awareness Week on an annual basis.


In addition to the above, the following areas of PSHE and Citizenship are covered within the year groups:


Year 3 – Fire Safety, Water Safety, Healthy Lifestyle (linked to Science) and Online Safety.

Year 4 – Online Safety and Dental Hygiene (linked to Science).

Year 5 – Online Safety.

Year 6 – Drug and Alcohol Education (linked to Science) and Online Safety.


Outdoor Learning


Children in Years 3 and 4 will undertake at least 10 outdoor learning sessions over the course of the year. These sessions will focus on improving communication and collaboration between learners, as well as encouraging the children to develop their independence.




Throughout the year, the children will watch assemblies linked to different areas of PSHE. These cover a range of topics such as; positive learning behaviours, Fair Trade, online safety, fire safety, kindness and many others. 

Supporting Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEND) in PSHE.


SEND and disadvantaged children will have full access to the curriculum which fits with the school aims.  It is important to note, that because a pupil has been identified as having SEND, this not mean that they will require a different curriculum to the majority of pupils. However, we recognise that at times pupils will require additional support to access the curriculum.  This is supported further with the PSHE planning framework for pupils with SEND. 


The Planning Framework is organised into six sections:

1. Self-Awareness (Me, who I am, my likes, dislikes, strengths and interests)

2. Self-care, Support and Safety (Looking after myself and keeping safe; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education.)

3. Managing Feelings (Understanding feelings, and that how I feel and how others feel affects choices and behaviour; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education)

4. Changing and Growing (How I and others are changing; new opportunities and responsibilities; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education)

5. Healthy Lifestyles (Being and keeping healthy, physically and mentally)

6. The World I Live In (Living confidently in the wider world).


Whilst these cross over with the main framework, they will support individual needs for those who need additional support in one of the above areas. 



We continuously assess the implementation and impact of our PSHE curriculum in order to achieve the highest outcomes possible across all year groups and ensure we provide the support that is necessary for all children to achieve. Through our PSHE curriculum, we believe we can enhance children’s education and help them to become caring, respectful, responsible and confident individuals and citizens.

Year 4 children taking part in the John Muir Award

Interactive Bar

