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Market Drayton Junior School

Market Drayton Junior School

Passion for Learning, Skills for Life

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Intent - How have we designed our computing curriculum?


We want to equip children to participate fully in a rapidly changing world where technology is transforming all aspects of our lives. Through our computing curriculum, we want to give our pupils the skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a socially responsible and safe way. We want our pupils to be able to operate in the 21st century workplace and we want them to know the career opportunities that will be open to them if they study computing.


We aim to teach children to become autonomous, independent users of computing technologies, gaining confidence and enjoyment from their activities. We want the use of technology to support learning across the entire curriculum and to ensure that our curriculum is accessible to every child.  Not only do we want them to be digitally literate and competent end-users of technology, but we want them to develop creativity, resilience, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.  We want our pupils to have a breadth of experience to develop their understanding of themselves as individuals within their community but also as members of a wider global community and as responsible digital citizens.


We intend to teach children to use technology responsibly and carefully, being mindful of how their behaviour, words and actions can affect others.

Our Values in Computing




  • Online communication enables collaboration
  • Paired work to complete activities and tasks
  • Working with a partner to debug code to ensure programs work correctly
  • Working in groups to complete physical computing activities e.g. using a microcontroller
  • Respect for ourselves and our online presence
  • Respect for other people online – be kind
  • Agree and abide by the schools Acceptable Use Policy
  • Respect for technology and how we use it
  • An understanding of the value of technology
  • Ensure technology is accessible by all – inclusion and equality



  • Use computational thinking to become discerning users of technology
  • Provide children with the life-skills to prosper in the 21st century workplace
  • Develop creativity, resilience, problem-solving and critical thinking skills
  • How technology is used in jobs
  • Children enjoy using technology to enhance their learning
  • How technology can be used to improve our lives
  • How technology can teach children to preserve and debug code to improve programs
  • Children become positive digital citizens


In Computing we want children to



How Do We Deliver the Computing Curriculum?


Computing is taught in discreet computing lessons, but the use of technology is encouraged to support learning across all curriculum areas. We use The NCCE Computing Curriculum scheme of work to cover the three areas of the Computing National Curriculum: Digital literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology.


  • Computer Science – the understanding of coding and programming across a range of physical devices and digital resources.
  • Information Technology – the range of skills required to operate and manipulate specific programs, systems, and content.
  • Digital Literacy – the knowledge required to use technology safely and to evaluate and react to any potential risks of the online/digital world. 

The units are based on a spiral curriculum. This means that each of the themes is revisited regularly (at least once in each year group), and pupils revisit each theme through a new unit that consolidates and builds on prior learning within that theme. This style of curriculum design reduces the amount of knowledge lost through forgetting, as topics are revisited yearly.


This scheme of work is supplemented by the use of other software that we have in school for example, DB Primary, PurpleMash, iLearn2, Barefoot Computing, Project Evolve.


We ensure we provide opportunities to teach Online Safety where relevant throughout the school year.

Computing Units of Work



Computing Systems and Networks

Creating Media

Programming A

Data and Information

Creating Media

Programming B

Year 3

Connecting computers

Identifying that digital devices have inputs, processes and outputs and how devices can be connected to make networks.

Stop-frame animation

Capturing and editing digital still images to produce a stop-frame animation that tells a story.

Sequencing sounds

Creating sequences in a block-based programming language to make music.

Branching databases

Building and using branching databases to group objects using yes /no questions.

Desktop publishing

Creating documents by modifying text, images and page layouts for a specific purpose.

Events and actions in programs

Writing algorithms and programs that use a range of events to trigger sequences of actions.

Year 4

The Internet

Recognising the internet as a network of networks including the WWW, and why we should evaluate online content.

Audio production

Capturing and editing audio to produce a podcast, ensuring that copyright is considered.

Repetition in shapes

Using a text-based programming language to explore count-controlled loops when drawing shapes.

Data logging

Recognising how and why data is collected over time, before using data loggers to carry out an investigation.

Photo editing

Manipulating digital images, and reflecting on the impact of changes and whether the required purpose is fulfilled.

Repetition in games

Using a block-based programming language to explore count-controlled and infinite loops when creating a game.

Year 5

Systems and searching

Recognising IT systems around us and how they allow us to search the internet.

Video production

Planning, capturing and editing video to produce a short film.

Selection in physical computing

Exploring conditions and selection using a programmable microcontroller.

Flat-file databases

Using a database to order data and create charts to answer questions.

Vector drawing

Creating images in a drawing program by using layers and groups of objects.

Selection in quizzes

Exploring selection in programming to design and code an interactive quiz.

Year 6


and collaboration

Identifying and exploring

how data is transferred

and information is

shared online.

Webpage creation

Designing and

creating webpages,

giving consideration

to copyright,

aesthetics, and


Variables in games

Exploring variables

when designing and coding a game.

Introduction to



questions by using


to organise and

calculate data.

3D modelling

Planning, developing, and evaluating 3D

computer models of physical objects.


Designing and coding a project that captures inputs from

a physical device.

Computing Curriculum Pathway


Computing Progression Map

Special Educational Needs and Computing


How do we ensure all children can access computing lessons?


Although a child may have been identified as having a special educational need, they may not have a special educational need in computing. SEND children can achieve and sometimes exceed their peers when completing computing tasks. Effective quality first teaching is the key to enabling all children to participate and develop their knowledge and skills.


Differentiation within lessons is a vital component to ensure that a balance of support and challenge are achieved for all abilities. This is the same in every subject and differentiation is adjusted as expectations of individual pupils rise through progress.


Challenge and support specific to computing may include:

  • A spiral curriculum (revisit and revise). At the start of each lesson staff revisit vocabulary and key facts that the children have learnt so far. Reinforcing the expected outcome so that they have a clear idea of their journey.

  • Scaffolded activities provide pupils with extra resources, such as visual prompts, to reach the same learning goals as the rest of the class.

  • Exploratory tasks foster a deeper understanding of a concept, encouraging pupils to apply their learning in different contexts and make connections with other learning experiences.

  • Pictorial guidance is used when required. Teachers also model the task to the children, this enables the children to take responsibility for their own learning and build their confidence within computing.

  • Opportunities are provided throughout the lesson for children to discuss the task and talk about what they have learnt during the session.

  • Staff members are flexible in regards to providing additional time for children with SEND and ensure that accessible resources are provided to support all children. This includes amending equipment or ensuring specialist resources are provided where required to enable all children full access to their learning.


Pupils not secure within a lesson sequence are noted and adjustments made to the differentiation or level of support given. Similarly, added challenge is given if pupils are identified as requiring it. This may be noted by the teacher through questioning or the use of written work. Using an interleaving approach means that pupils continually revisit their learning, gradually building a deeper understanding. The way computing also appears in other subjects allows those skills to be consistently revisited in different contexts.

Progression in Computing Vocabulary

Links to other subjects



How computing may be linked


Comparing digital art with non-digital art to enable the children to discuss the similarities and differences.

Learning how to use the drawing and painting packages on computers. Using computers to create 3D models.

Design &

Design and make a model that they will control using the Crumble Controller. Applying their understanding of computing to program, monitor, and control their products. Design and make 3D models using computer-aided design.


Vocabulary – children will be introduced to new computing vocabulary and will apply it during their lessons. Children will use the computers to plan and redraft their writing. They will proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors.

They can use the dictation tools available on the computers and iPads to read aloud their own writing using appropriate intonation and controlling the tone and volume so that the meaning is clear.


Creating shapes using programs e.g. Logo, Scratch and understanding angles.

Recognise, describe, and build simple 3D shapes, including making nets.

Interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs, and use these to solve problems.

Calculate and interpret the mean as an average.

Use spreadsheets to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


Children will use the internet to investigate places and physical aspects of geography e.g. volcanoes, rivers.


Researching periods in History e.g. The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.


Use technology safely, respectfully, and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour. Evaluating content found in websites for honesty and accuracy.

Use the internet with adult support to communicate with people they know.

Navigate online content, websites, or social media feeds using more sophisticated tools to get to the information (e.g. menus, sitemaps, breadcrumb-trails, site search functions).

When searching on the internet for content to use, explain why they need to consider who owns it and whether they have the right to reuse it. Explain why copying someone else’s work from the internet without permission can cause problems.


Use data loggers, appropriately, to collect data from their own observations and measurements, using standard units, and help to make decisions about how to record and analyse this data. For example, measuring sound and light.

Construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches, and buzzers e.g. physical computing using the Crumble Controller.




Through the explicit teaching of Computing skills, both the teachers and the pupils assess their learning continuously throughout the lesson.


Every lesson includes formative assessment opportunities for teachers to use. These opportunities are included to ensure that misconceptions are recognised and addressed if they occur. These assessments are vital to ensure that teachers are adapting their teaching to suit the needs of the pupils that they are working with.


In addition, every unit includes an optional summative assessment framework in the form of either a multiple choice quiz (MCQ) or a rubric. All units are designed to cover both skills and concepts from across the computing national curriculum.


The rubric is a tool to help teachers assess project-based work. Each rubric covers the application of skills that have been directly taught across the unit, and highlights to teachers whether the pupil is approaching (emerging), achieving (expected), or exceeding the expectations for their age group. It allows teachers to assess projects that pupils have created, focusing on the appropriate application of computing skills and concepts.

Websites to support learning in other subjects


Please click on the links below to access the websites we use in school:

IDL Cloud


Practice your reading and spelling

Interactive Bar

